Dr. Asher R. Jesudoss is a professional in the fields of Education, Cross-cultural Communication, Organizational Behaviour & Development, Leadership, Content & Curriculum Development and Instructional Design. He has over 11 years of consulting experience with clients across industries such as Airline, ISP, Telecom, Banking, Finance, Insurance, KPO & BPO, E Commerce, as well as with schools, colleges, universities and government institutions. He started out as a trainer with IBM in 2005 and has since then worked in various training, consulting & managerial roles with organizations like KPMG, Moody’s, NASSCOM, Nokia, ITIDA, American Express, etc.
Asher is an alumnus of Nath Valley School, Aurangabad, with a B.A. (Hons.) from St. Stephen’s College & an M.A. from Delhi University, in English Literature. He also holds an MPhil and a PhD in Linguistics (Acoustic Phonetics, ELT, World Englishes) from JNU, New Delhi. Asher is an IBM-certified Master Trainer and has been a part of various successful consulting projects in Egypt, China and Vietnam and across the length and breadth of India, involving participants from over 50 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, and has been a language counsellor to 4 visiting members of the Afghan parliament.
On the academic front, Asher currently teaches Academic English at the Department of Humanities & Social Sciences at IIT Delhi as a guest faculty member, and has previously also taught at Delhi University (English Literature), SAARC University & Jamia Millia Islamia. He has been a guest faculty member at the Linguistic Empowerment Cell, JNU since 2012 and has taught two semesters at the Department of Indo-Pacific Languages, University of Hawaii, USA as a Fulbright Fellow. Asher is also a resource person with Ratna Sagar Publications.